Frostig School

case study | Frostig School

Problem: Identity Crisis

Frostig is one of the world’s premiere educational centers helping children with learning disabilities. But it was under 80% enrollment. That added up to a serious budget crisis. Why was Frostig undervalued?

    — People didn’t respond well to the term “Learning Disabled.”

    — Parents don’t like to think of their children as “disabled." Kids don’t like it either.

    — Not enough people knew that Frostig existed. Brand identity was limited to word of mouth.

Solution : Brand Language & Imaging

  • > language | We crafted new language that Frostig could use to improve how they describe itself: "Exceptional Students. Exceptional Education." Everyone wants to be part of something exceptional.
  • > signage | Our initial recommendation was for street visible signage on their heavily traveled Pasadena Street. Today, thousands of families drive past Frostig’s clear and compelling message. Combined with our beautiful branded photography and clarifying language, even large scale signage became simple and affordable to implement.
  • > video | GCMG wrote and produced a powerful Moving Picture video that moves people to want to go to Frostig. Shown to potential new families, this video is the school's most effective development tool.
  • > photography | We embedded our award winning photographer who captured hundreds of school events depicting happy, thriving Exceptional students. Those photographs are used across all platforms including print and signage, brochures, website and online distribution, annual report, events, posters, etc.

result: 27% increase in enrollment in ONE QUARTER!